Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (RA)-The Unsung Hero

“O Lord, if You have prevented me from attaining this good, do not prevent my son from doing so.”

-Zayd on his deathbed (father of Sa’eed RA)


There are many “Unsung Heroes” in history.

But Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (RA) is the most deserving of this title.

Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (RA) is one of the most revered companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is especially remembered as one of the ten companions promised paradise (Ashara Mubashara).

Despite his notable achievements, his story is sometimes overlooked.

This blog post will shed light on his life, contributions to Islam, and the lessons we can learn from his unwavering faith.


Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (RA) was born into the noble Quraysh tribe, with a lineage deeply rooted in monotheism.

Sa’eed (RA), raised with this strong sense of monotheism (HanafI), naturally gravitated toward Islam when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began his mission.

His father, Zayd Ibn Amr, was among the few who rejected idol worship and sought to follow the monotheistic tradition of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

On his deathbed, Zayd supplicated for Sa’eed (RA) to be guided (see quote above).

Sa’eed(RA), along with his wife, Fatimah bint Al-Khattab (RA) (the sister of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab), embraced Islam in its early days, facing persecution from the Quraysh.

His steadfastness during these trials reflected his deep conviction in the truth of Islam.

Role in the Early Islamic Community

Though not as famous as some other companions, Sa’eed Ibn Zayd(RA) played a critical role in the spread of Islam.

He participated in significant events and battles, always remaining loyal to the cause of Islam.

Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (RA) is particularly known for his pivotal role in leading Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA) to Islam.

When Umar learned that his sister Fatimah(RA) and Sa’eed (RA)had accepted Islam, he went to confront them.

This confrontation led Umar (RA) to read verses of the Qur’an, which touched his heart, leading to his own conversion—one of the most transformative moments in early Islamic history.


Among Sa’eed’s (RA) greatest honors was being included in the exclusive list of the Ashara Mubashara—the ten companions guaranteed paradise by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This distinction shows the Prophet’s (PBUH) high regard for Sa’eed(RA), a recognition of his piety, loyalty, and contributions to the Muslim community.

As well as aiding in the conversion of Umar (RA) to Islam- arguably the most impactful companion of the Prophet (PBUH).

Application Today

Despite being promised paradise, Sa’eed (RA) led a humble life, focusing on his duties to Allah (SWT) and his community.

Imagine being promised Paradise!

How would we behave?

Arrogant? prideful? or maybe just a little pretentious.

Think about it, that’s how we tend to behave when we earn a little money or have status.

There is no greater reward and status than paradise.

Sa’eed (RA) was guaranteed paradise whilst living, yet He (RA) remained devote to Islam and humble.

Let us remember to stay humble when any success comes our way.

So that Allah (SWT) elevates our ranks in this world and (more importantly) paradise.

For paradise is an eternal abode.


Sa’eed Ibn Zayd’s (RA) life is a testament to the importance of humility, faith, and perseverance.

His story serves as an inspiration for Muslims today to live their lives with conviction, seeking to emulate the sincerity, humility and steadfastness of this great companion.

Let us share his story and emulate his character so that we may be considered heroes by the Most High, rather than man.


Who is your greatest hero?

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