There’s Still Hope!

“For indeed, with hardship, there is ease. Indeed, with hardship, there is ease”.

Al-Sharh 94:5-6



As long as you’re reading this, remember…

There’s still hope!

If you think about it, what’s the point of living if you’re hopeless?

That’s not to say you should end your life, but to change your perspective.


If you always remain hopeful, every negative experience serves a purpose.

Pain and pleasure are fleeting experiences, temporary like this temporary world.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was a devout optimist.


  • Losing His (ﷺ) father, mother,and grandfather before the age of 8.
  • Losing His (ﷺ) respected reputation when preaching Islam.
  • Mocked and spat at.
  • Boycotted in Mecca.
  • Seeing His(ﷺ) companions (RA) being tortured and killed.
  • Not receiving revelation for 6 months.
  • Attacked by adults and children.
  • Losing His (ﷺ) wife Khadijah (RA) and Uncle Abu Talib (who raised Him ﷺ).
  • Experiencing the death of 6 out of 7 of His (ﷺ) children.

And many more…

The Prophet (ﷺ) was still know to be the most optimistic person.

Change in Perspective

This optimism is deep-rooted in the belief that everything happens through Qadr, Divine Decree.

Changing the perspective from…

“Why is this happening to me? I’m a failure!”


“Alhamdulillah for everything! It is all good as it is Allah’s (SWT) plan”.

We must have faith in Allah’s (SWT) plan for us.

Imagine your own mother was able to plan your whole life from start to finish.

It would be done in your best interest right?

Now remember that Allah (SWT) loves you more than your mother!

So, trust that Allah (SWT) has planned your life in your best interest!

Trials & Counterparts

It might look dark right now.

The walls are closing in on you.

But know that light is only recognised when darkness is present.

You must face tribulation in this life to appreciate the good.

Light and dark.

Good and evil.

Pleasure and Pain.

Would not exist without their counterpart.

As long as you are breathing there is hope!

Divine Plan

If Allah’s (SWT) plan for you was complete, you would not be living.

That means no matter what mistakes you’ve made, there is still time to rectify and repent.

Life is worth living.

Allah (SWT) is building you for something, you just have to trust the process.

And remember most importantly…

It is just the dunya (worldly life).

It is not worth worrying and stressing about.

So take it easy.

No one makes it out alive anyway!


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