Musa عليه السلام-Kalimullah (The One who spoke with Allah)

Musa(AS) is the most mentioned Prophet in the Holy Qur’an by name.

He(AS) is also one of the Arch Prophets- Prophets of Great Resolve!

The Holy Qur’an documents His(AS) whole life; from escaping death as an infant, to escaping Pharaohs tyranny with the Israelites.

Early Life
Prophet Musa (AS) was born into a world of oppression and injustice, under the rule of the tyrant Pharaoh.

Despite the odds stacked against him, his early life was marked by divine guidance.

From the miraculous preservation of his life as an infant to his upbringing in the palace of Pharaoh, Musa (AS) was destined for a remarkable destiny ordained by Allah (SWT)

It was during his years of exile in the wilderness that Musa (AS) received his divine calling from Allah.

Tasked with the liberation of his people from the clutches of Pharaoh’s tyranny, Musa (AS) embarked on a journey of prophecy and revelation.

From the confrontation with Pharaoh….

To the miracles of the parting of the Red Sea…

and the revelation of the Torah atop Mount Sinai.

Musa’s (AS) prophethood was characterized by unwavering faith and divine guidance.

Prophet Musa’s (AS) legacy transcends the archives of history, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of believers for generations to come.

His teachings, embodied in the divine revelation of the Torah, continue to illuminate the path of righteousness and guidance for humanity.

Musa’s (AS) unwavering commitment to justice, his courage in the face of adversity, and his profound faith in Allah (SWT) serve as a timeless example for believers seeking to navigate the challenges of life with steadfastness and fortitude.

Lesson to Learn
As we reflect on the life of Prophet Musa (AS), let’s take 1 lesson from his life.

Musa’s (AS) courage!

Despite fleeing from Pharaohs soldiers from Egypt to MIdian alone with no plan, He (AS) had courage through faith in Allah’s plan (SWT).

Despite feeling scared about confronting Pharaoh, he (AS) had courage through faith to trust Allahs (SWT) Plan.

Despite coming at a crossroads between Pharaohs Army and the sea, he (AS) had courage through faith in Allahs (SWT) plan.

At every step Allah(SWT) aided Musa (AS).

Allah(SWT) granted him(AS) a home, wife, and job in Midian…

permitted Musa(AS) to bring his brother Harun (AS) with him to confront Pharaoh and granted him miracles…

and split the sea for Musa (AS) and the Israelites to flee from Pharaoh.

May his example inspire us to emulate his unwavering faith, his steadfastness in the face of adversity, and his commitment to righteousness in all aspects of our lives.



قَالَ یٰمُوْسٰۤی اِنِّی اصْطَفَیْتُكَ عَلَی النَّاسِ بِرِسٰلٰتِیْ وَ بِكَلَامِیْ ۖؗ فَخُذْ مَاۤ اٰتَیْتُكَ وَ كُنْ مِّنَ الشّٰكِرِیْنَ

(Allah) said: ‘O Musa (Moses)! I have exalted you and chosen you above the people by My Messages and My speech. So hold fast to whatever I have bestowed upon you and be amongst the grateful.’