Ali (RA)- The Courageous Caliph

Prophet (ﷺ) said to ‘Ali, “You are to me, in the position that Harun was to Musa, [except that there is no Prophet after me].”

Tirmidhi (3731)


It takes courage to face conflict and overcome adversity.

Many of us are conflict averse.

But sometimes conflict is necessary for the greater good.

In this post, we explore the life and legacy of Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA), the fourth caliph of Islam, renowned for his courage and devotion to Islam.


Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) was born in Mecca and raised in the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his first cousin.

He was the first male to embrace Islam and was known for his close relationship with the Prophet (PBUH), eventually becoming his son-in-law by marrying Fatimah (RA).

Ali (RA) is considered to be part of “Ahlul Bayt”- the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Courage and Caliphate

Ali (RA) is celebrated for his bravery and prowess in battle, playing a pivotal role in several key battles, including Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq, earning the title “Lion of Allah.”

His (RA) courage was not limited to the battlefield; he was also known for his unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness.

As the fourth caliph, Ali (RA) faced significant internal strife, including the First Fitna (civil war).

Despite these challenges, his leadership was marked by a strong emphasis on justice, knowledge, and spiritual integrity.

He (RA) moved the capital to Kufa to strengthen his administration.


Ali (RA) was the father of the Hasan (RA) and Hussain (RA)- the grandchildren to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Ali (RA) not only left a legacy of the progeny of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), but he also left a example of rightly guided leadership.

Ali (RA) untied the ummah despite the internal conflict and expanded the caliphate.

His emphasis on knowledge, justice, and moral integrity remain timeless.

Application Today

Ali (RA) demonstrated courage in standing firm on the correct path, ,despite friends fighting against him during the civil war.

Ali (RA) saw his friends die on the battlefield that he once fought with- like Talha (RA) and Zubayr (RA).

There opinion was to kill the Murderer’s of Uthman (RA) immediately, but Ali (RA) decided that it was better to firstly unite the ummah under one leader, then kill the murderer’s.

Ali (RA) saw the bigger picture and made the correct stance.

However, other companions intentions were to enforce justice. May Allah be pleased with them all.

This example is far more extreme than our typical conflicts.

If we know that a decision being made is wrong, we must be courageous enough to speak out against it like Ali (RA).

Conflict and distaste might ensue, but it is necessary to be patience despite the consequences.

If your colleagues, friends or family wants to act immorally, you should be courageous enough to speak against their actions despite their feelings towards us.

Just remember to speak with courage and sensitivity like Ali (RA).

May we strive to embody Ali’s (RA) virtues in our own lives and uphold the principles of courage and righteousness.
