Harunعليه السلام – Collaborative Leadership


“Teamwork makes the dream work!”

”If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.”

We’ve all heard these common phrases.

But do these sayings have any substance?

Today, we delve into the life and profound teachings of Prophet Harun (AS), emphasising the inportance of team collaboration in obeying Allah (SWT).


Prophet Harun (AS), known as Aaron in the Judeo-Christian tradition, was the brother of Prophet Musa (AS) and played a pivotal role in supporting his mission.

Harun (AS) was chosen by Allah as a prophet to guide and lead the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt.

Collaborative Partnership:

Harun (AS) collaborated with Prophet Musa (AS) in spreading the message of monotheism and liberation from tyranny.

When Musa (AS) was secluded in Mount Sinai, Harun (AS) was left to lead the Israelites.

Despite facing challenges and opposition, they remained united in their devotion to Allah (SWT) and commitment to the liberation of their people.


Prophet Harun (AS) emphasised the importance of devotion and obedience to Allah’s (SWT) commandments.

He (AS) upheld moral values and encouraged righteousness among the Israelites, fostering unity and faith within the community.

Harun’s (AS) collaboration with Musa (AS) demonstrates the best example of brotherhood through faith.

Application Today:

We all at some point worked in a team for a specific goal.

It is unavoidable, impossible even, to make an impact on the world without working with others.

Therefore, if teamwork is inevitable, we can atleast try and make it work.

If you’re in the workplace, at home, or in a sports team…

We can implement Harun’s (AS) righteous conduct and support towards the Israelites and Musa (AS).

Let’s try to communicate more compassionately towards our dependents; our family and employees.

Just as Harun(AS) demonstrated compassion towards the Israelites.

Let us also show Humility towards our leaders; our managers & elders.

Just like Harun(AS) humbly assisted and followed Musa (AS) on their mission.

May we emulate Harun’s (AS) virtues in our own lives, striving to lead with compassion, uphold divine values, and work collaboratively for the betterment of society.


وَأَخِى هَـٰرُونُ هُوَ أَفْصَحُ مِنِّى لِسَانًۭا فَأَرْسِلْهُ مَعِىَ رِدْءًۭا يُصَدِّقُنِىٓ ۖ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ أَن يُكَذِّبُونِ ٣٤

And my brother Aaron is more eloquent than I, so send him with me as a helper to support what I say, for I truly fear they may reject me.”

Al-Qasas (V 34)