Talha (RA)- The Living Martyr

Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever would be pleased to look at a martyr walking upon the face of the earth, then let him look at Talhah bin ‘Ubaidullah.”

Tirmidhi (3739)


Every brave person feels fear.

But they overcome their feelings to do what’s necessary.

Therefore, you are only brave when you feel fear and still take action.

In this blog post, we explore the life and legacy of Talha ibn Ubaidullah (RA),known for his bravery, generosity, and unwavering support of Islam,


Talha ibn Ubaidullah (RA) was born into the noble Quraysh tribe in Mecca.

He embraced Islam at a young age through the influence of Abu Bakr (RA), his second cousin, becoming one of the earliest converts to the new faith.

His acceptance of Islam brought significant challenges, including persecution and hardships, but his resolve never wavered.

Valor and Generosity

Talha (RA) is best remembered for his bravery during the Battle of Uhud, where he protected Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at great personal risk.

He sustained numerous injuries while shielding the Prophet (PBUH) from the enemy’s attacks, earning the title “The Living Martyr” for his selfless courage.

Aside from his valor in battle, Talha (RA) was known for his generosity, spending much of his wealth in the service of Islam and aiding the less fortunate.


Talha ibn Ubaidullah (RA) left a legacy of courage, faith, and generosity.

His unwavering support for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his significant contributions to the early Muslim community cement his place as one of Islam’s greatest heroes.

Talha (RA) is one of the ten companions promised Paradise by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)- what an honour!

Application Today

Life can be scary at times- but we must have faith that everything will work out fine.

Keyword- Faith!

Talha (RA) had faith in Allah (SWT).

Talha (RA), was a human like us, who felt fear, anxiety, and doubt.

If he died on the battlefield or survived, he knew that Allah (SWT), and his Messenger (PBUH) would be pleased with him.

This knowledge helped him overcome his feelings.

We can also overcome our feelings when facing adversity.

Bravery relies on unwavering conviction in a belief.

It is easy to be brave when you are following the right path.

If you are work, you can easily demonstrate bravery towards your managers/seniors if their doing immoral actions, as it’s the right thing to do.

Or if a friend or family member is wrong, bravery ensues naturally to speak against it.

Bravery is that inner voice that wants to speak out- we all have it.

It just depends on weather we can overcome our feelings and let it brake free.

May we strive to emulate Talha ibn Ubaidullah (RA), drawing inspiration from his bravery, generosity, and unwavering faith.
