Uthman (RA)- The Modest Caliph

“Shall I not feel bashful before a man when even the angels feel bashful before him?”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Uthman (RA)


Bashfulness is misunderstood.

It is an indicator of being modest.

Modesty is an indicator of good character.

In this blog post, we delve into the remarkable life and legacy of Uthman ibn Affan (RA), the third caliph of Islam, known for his generosity, modesty, and significant contributions to the Muslim Ummah.


Born into the wealthy Umayyad clan, Uthman ibn Affan (RA) moldest himself into a successful businessman.

He embraced Islam early and was known for his exceptional character, modesty and generosity.

One of the few companions to make two hijras (migrations) to Ethiopia, then Medina.

Twice the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), marrying his daughters Ruqayyah and, after her death, Umm Kulthum- he was given the title “Dhu al-Nûrayn or Possessing Two Lights”.

Caliphate and Contributions

Uthman (RA) was renowned for his generosity, using his wealth to support the Muslim community.

He funded the expansion of the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, purchased the well of Rumah for public use, and financed military expeditions.

His piety and dedication to Islam were evident in his actions and leadership.

As the third caliph, Uthman (RA) made significant contributions to the Islamic state, including the compilation of the Quran into a single, standardized text to preserve its authenticity.

His reign saw the expansion of the Islamic empire and the strengthening of administrative structures.


Uthman (RA) left a lasting legacy of generosity, faith, and leadership.

Despite facing internal strife and opposition, he remained committed to the principles of justice and compassion, deciding to not shed blood internally despite his ability to do so.

His efforts to compile the Quran have ensured its preservation for future generations- what a legacy!

Application Today

Uthman (RA) had the world in his hands…

but still remained modest.

Who are we to have any pride?

We must be modest and humble regardless of our titles and achievements.

Uthman(RA) was the Caliph, yet would donate generously and demonstrated servant leadership throughout his reign.

We will all die and be held accountable for our actions to others, without exceptions.

Let’s be modest and humble like Uthman (RA) before we meet our Lord.

May we strive to emulate Uthman’s (RA) virtues in our own lives and contribute positively to our communities.
