• Ismail عليه السلام- The Sacrifice

    Ismail عليه السلام- The Sacrifice

    Bismillah, In life there are sacrifices. Sacrificing the present enjoyment for future gain. Or sacrificing our future for the fleeting present. Sacrifice is unavoidable. The story of Ismail (AS) encapsulates the purest essence of sacrifice; for the sake of Allah (SWT). Background: Ibrahim (AS) and his wife Sara (RA) struggled…

  • Lot عليه السلام- Resisting Peer Pressure

    Lot عليه السلام- Resisting Peer Pressure

    Bismillah, The majority of people conform to societal pressures. Be that trends, customs, or norms. This is not inherently wrong, as humans rely on being socially accepted to fit in with the “tribe”. However, when these societal pressures are immoral, we must resist and detest them. Today we will explore…

  • Saleh عليه السلام- Integrity & Reputation

    Saleh عليه السلام- Integrity & Reputation

    They say your reputation is what people say about you when you’re not present. Your reputation is built upon exposure of your character to the world. People don’t have time to guess your intention, they just categorise you into either good, bad, or indifferent. The story of Prophet Saleh (AS)…

  • Hudعليه السلام – Confronting Pride with Humility

    Hudعليه السلام – Confronting Pride with Humility

    Pride is the Devil! Pride made Satan not prostrate to Adam (AS) after Allah (SWT) ordered him to do so. Resulting in Satan’s eternal damnation. Pride only belongs to Allah (SWT). The story of Hud (AS) in the Qur’an demonstrates how destructive pride can be, and how we can combat…

  • Adamعليه السلام- Father of Humanity

    Adamعليه السلام- Father of Humanity

    In modern times, there is a dispute between creationists and evolutionists. Creationists believe God created Adam and Eve as the first human beings. Evolutionists argue that we descend from primitive hominids. Let’s delve into the Islamic view of the origin of Humanity. Creation The story of Adam (AS) in the…

  • Isa عليه السلام – The Messiah

    Isa عليه السلام – The Messiah

    Probably the most controversial Human in history. It is argued that Isa (AS) is… God (Astaghfirullah), The Messiah, The False Messiah, Called different names; Jesus, Yeshua, Isa, And even that he (AS) never existed. How can the message of one man (AS) have such polarising beliefs? Let’s dive in! Childhood…

  • Musa عليه السلام-Kalimullah (The One who spoke with Allah)

    Musa عليه السلام-Kalimullah (The One who spoke with Allah)

    Musa(AS) is the most mentioned Prophet in the Holy Qur’an by name. He(AS) is also one of the Arch Prophets- Prophets of Great Resolve! The Holy Qur’an documents His(AS) whole life; from escaping death as an infant, to escaping Pharaohs tyranny with the Israelites. Early LifeProphet Musa (AS) was born…

  • Nuh عليه السلام- Father of The Patient

    Nuh عليه السلام- Father of The Patient

    The oldest of the Ulul ‘Azm Prophets is Nuh (AS). The “Ulul Azm” prophets, also known as the “Prophets of Resolve,” are five extraordinary (Arch) prophets in Islam who are revered for their unwavering determination and steadfastness in delivering the message of Allah (SWT) despite facing immense challenges and adversity.…

  • Muhammadﷺ- A Mercy To Mankind

    Muhammadﷺ- A Mercy To Mankind

    Bismillah, In this mini biography series, I aim to summarise the lives of the most influential Muslims; past and present. This will be broken down into their life before their mission, trials they faced, and the legacy they left behind. Aiming to derive lessons from their lives. This series would…

  • Introduction

    The Inspiration “Who inspires me?” This a question I constantly think about. My immediate response? “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), of course.” But then I find myself asking, “How well do I truly know him (PBUH)?” After some introspection, I realised there’s much more to learn. I’m Mohamed, Founder of Ummah Inspired,…